Dedications I–V

Poster design for a short film on people with progressive memory loss, screened at the NY Independent Film Festival.

Poster / Campaign


Written, directed, and edited by Chloé Desaulles. “The short is based on neuroscience research, suggesting that memories can be made more resistant to degenerative disorders through the use of active recall. Through this method, the film is meant to act as a visual document of the protagonists’ memories, as well as a tool to strengthen them. This short was made using depth data from depthkit, the kinectv2 and unity, taking advantage of the medium’s loss of frames and visual inaccuracy to contribute to an already fading narrative.”

The poster for the film explores the idea of a fading narrative through typography. The early aughts internet phenomena, Typoglycemia, is used as a visual metaphor for the loss of information explored by the story-telling and the film’s method of capture.


Dedication I–V, animated film poster. "Typoglycemia" is used as visual metaphor for the film's subjects loss of information—while still providing a readable poster for passersby. 


Depth capture examples from the director, Chloé Desaulles.


Typesetting princles for the poster are inspired by the intertitles of the films of Jean-Luc Godard. Godard's intertitles also served as common ground between the director and the designer.


Juan Aranda
Graphic Design & Art Direction

